Top 5 Challenges in Pediatric Trials: Why Less Than 20% Succeed

BioBoston Consulting

Top 5 Challenges in Pediatric Trials: Overcoming Barriers to Success in Clinical Research 

Explore the top 5 challenges faced in pediatric clinical trials and how consulting firms in Boston can help overcome obstacles like recruitment, ethics, dosing, funding, and data analysis. 

While pediatric clinical trials are essential to ensure that safe and effective treatment options are available for children, less than 20% of pediatric trials are reported to be successful. Pediatrics research is a complex and often intimidating field due to the unique challenges that need to be addressed. In this article, we go through the top five barriers to success for pediatric trials and how some of the best consulting firms in the world like BioBoston can handle those challenges. 

Recruitment and Retention 

Pediatric trials are far harder to recruit and retain than in adults. One reason is parents may be reluctant to enroll their children in clinical research because they are concerned about their safety and the burden of participation. 

Ethics and regulation 

There are strict ethical and regulatory requirements for pediatric trials. Research involving children requires a complicated landscape of consent and assent, and the trials must be both ethical and regulatory compliant. 

Dosing and Formulation 

The pediatric population has differences in metabolism and development compared with adult patients, thus complicating appropriate dosing and dosing formulations. 

Boston life science consulting firms boast years of in-depth experience with pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. They aid in the creation of pediatric formulations and dosing regimens. Biomarkers that predict drug behavior in pediatric populations addresses the difficulty of predicting the behavior of drugs in the pediatric population, by improving modeling and simulations based on existing population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics data, thus limiting a trial-and-error approach for drug failed attempts and/or inferior activity in the pediatric population. 

Limited Funding and Resources 

Funding is scarce for pediatric trials because they are less attractive to sponsors than adult trials. That gives them few resources for expansive research. 

Boston Based Biopharma consulting firms specialize in funding pediatric research. We can connect sponsors with grants, public funding, and partnerships with philanthropic organizations. Furthermore, they facilitate cost-effective resource allocation, ensuring that the trials remain on track financially. 

Data Collection and Analysis 

It is challenging to obtain and analyse data from pediatric trials. Children react inconsistently to treatments, and reliable data is only available using special methods. 

The Boston pharmaceutical consulting group leverage modern data management systems and statistical techniques. They help in achieving collection of valid information and Solid analysis, with tool designed specifically based on pediatric research. These firms also complement secondary data with real-world evidence and patient-reported outcomes to bolster data fidelity. 


Pediatric trials are critical for developing treatments designed specifically for children, but they come with unique hurdles. Identifying and confronting the five biggest barriers such as recruitment and retention, ethical and regulatory challenges, dosing and formulation, lack of funding, and data gathering and analysis will enable researchers to increase the successful performance of pediatric trials. 

ethical concerns in pediatric trials

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